Thursday, October 06, 2011

Book in a Series - Delirium Series

Don't you hate it when you are reading a book and it's part of a book series and you have to wait FOREVER for the next book to come out.  Then you get the next book and you can't remember where it left off?  Well I'm going to summarize a book in a series that I've read so that when I get the next book I can look at my summary and know what happened.  Warning, the following contains spoilers!

Delirium Series
Delirium - Lauren Oliver
Pandemonium - 03/06/12

In this series, love (amor deliria nervosa) is viewed as a disease and people get a treatment when they turn 18 to get cured.  Lena is close to her 18th birthday and she is looking forward to her treatment.  She is taking a test at the treatment center when someone lets loose some cows with names on them.  She sees a boy but doesn’t quite make out his face.  Later she meets a boy named Alex who has been “cured” since he has the scars on the back of his neck.  It is okay in society for uncured to hang out with cured opposite sex so she starts hanging out with him.  He is actually not cured but is posing as such.  He does not believe in curing love and he shows Lena why the world needs it.  They go dancing together (something not allowed and done in secret) and they fall in love.  She remembers her childhood with her mother and them covering up the windows and dancing.  She realizes that something did not go right with her mother’s procedure and she was never cured.

All those that are not cured through the procedure are sent to a center and locked up.  She finds out her mother might still be alive and she might be there.  Her and Alex sneak in and find her cell but she is no longer there.

Alex convinces Lena to run away to the wild with him where there are others that are not cured living and being happy.  In the end she decides to run away with him.  Police chases them down and she makes it out of the gate but Alex does not.

So in the next book we will find out what happens to Alex.  Lena said she would come back to him but will he be cured?

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