Critically acclaimed author Ben H. Winters delivers this explosive final installment in the Edgar Award winning Last Policeman series. With the doomsday asteroid looming, Detective Hank Palace has found sanctuary in the woods of New England, secure in a well-stocked safe house with other onetime members of the Concord police force. But with time ticking away before the asteroid makes landfall, Hank's safety is only relative, and his only relative--his sister Nico--isn't safe. Soon, it's clear that there's more than one earth-shattering revelation on the horizon, and it's up to Hank to solve the puzzle before time runs out...for everyone.
4/5 stars (really liked it)
By far my favorite book in the series. I think this was a great conclusion to the book series and I'm a little sad that there really won't be a possibility of more. Although I would love to read a book about Hank Palace when he joined the police force before an asteroid was headed to earth. I love how Hank never gave up on being a good person and finding out where his sister ended up. I also like how we met some new characters who were interesting. I especially love the dog and Hank's description of him. The ending of the book was my favorite and I'm glad the author ended the book where he did.
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