In the midst of a sudden spring snowstorm, an unknown man armed with a gun walks into an elementary school classroom. Outside the school, the town of Broken Branch watches and waits.
Officer Meg Barrett holds the responsibility for the town's children in her hands. Will Thwaite, reluctantly entrusted with the care of his two grandchildren by the daughter who left home years earlier, stands by helplessly and wonders if he has failed his child again. Trapped in her classroom, Evelyn Oliver watches for an opportunity to rescue the children in her care. And thirteen-year-old Augie Baker, already struggling with the aftermath of a terrible accident that has brought her to Broken Branch, will risk her own safety to protect her little brother.
As tension mounts with each passing minute, the hidden fears and grudges of the small town are revealed as the people of Broken Branch race to uncover the identity of the stranger who holds their children hostage.
3/5 stars (liked it)
I didn't like the characters in the story at the beginning or the book really but as I read more of it and got to know them I like it. The story unfold from several perspectives, Officer Meg, Will a farmer and grandfather, Augie a middle schooler at the school, Everlyn a teacher close to retirement and Holly, a mother recovering from an accident in AZ. Holly is the mother of Augie and PJ, both at the school and daughter to Will. I was very surprised when it was revealed who the man was but once revealed it seemed like everything made sense as to why he was there. There was also some side stories to other characters that were possible suspects. Overall a great story.
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