By day, Morganville, Texas, is just a typical college town. By night, the vampires emerge and take control...
In a town where it's not safe to be out after dark, student Claire Danvers and her friends have had their fair share of thrills. But Morganville still has a few secrets left to tell.
Now, in this collection, you can venture down the town's strange streets, revisit all the tales you've come to love, and experience six new stories featuring your favorite Morganville residents--both human and vampire...
4/5 stars (really liked it)
Wow, loved the stories. Especially ones involving Myrnin, since he's my favorite and it was fun to see his past a little more. Really enjoyed the story with Myrnin and Shane. Eve is always a favorite. I really liked that some of these stories took place after the series ended, which gave us a glimpse on where everyone is at after the series ended.
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