Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It really is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week already.  Luckily we are not hosting it this year.  Not that I don't like having turkey leftovers (I LOVE turkey) but it's just so much work to host it.  This year my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are hosting it.  They live about an hour away and they even invited my dad so he's riding down with us.  Dan is making cream biscuits (which are so delicious!) and I'm bringing some flavored popcorn I got from X's Cub Scout Fundraiser.

I had the kids do a super cute craft, you take outline their feet and hands and use the feet for a turkey body and the hands for the turkey feathers.  Then I had them glue them on a plate.  They both had fun with the project and now I have a Thanksgiving decoration on my front door.
 This is the one that X made:
 This is the one that O made:

Then Monday night X had a Den meeting and they did another Thanksgiving Turkey craft.  This one is one big circle and one small circle glued together to form the body, then they each had 5 different colored feathers that they wrote what they are thankful for.
What X is Thankful for this year:
1.  Mom
2.  Dad
3.  Cousins
4.  Friends
5.  Pets & Sister

Which then made me think of what I'm thankful for:  my husband, my kids, my pets (Ares & Apollo), my health, my job and my friends.

I also went to Michael's last week and picked up a couple of Christmas crafts.  They had some wooden ornaments you can decorated and those clear plastic ball ornaments you can decorate.  So I'll probably save those crafts for next Friday when we put up our Christmas tree.  As for Black Friday shopping...not sure if I'll venture out.  Dan has a doctor's appointment that morning and so I'd have to take both kids with me to do some shopping.  I might drop Dan off and then run to Target (which is across the street), we'll see.

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